Christmas is nearly here, and Dave and Darcy are getting really excited for the big day. They’ve decorated their tree, sent out Christmas cards to friends and family, and eaten lots of mince pies.

This weekend, Darcy’s family are going for a walk around the village to see the Christmas lights. Every year, the local café make mulled wine and hot chocolate for the neighbours, and there is a prize for the house with the best decorations.
Once they’ve put on their hats, scarves and gloves, the family head down the lane and into the village. On their way, they meet Darcy’s friend Sasha and her parents, so they walk around together.
The first few houses have pretty twinkling lights hung around the windows, and one has a beautiful wreath on the door.
On the next road, one of the houses has a family of elf statues in their front garden, all placed in silly positions.
“Look at that one,” Darcy points, “it’s throwing a snowball at another elf!”
“That one’s playing a trumpet so the others can sing!” laughs Dave.
Another house has a big tree in the garden with moving lights that look like snow falling.
“It’s so pretty,” says Sasha.
They keep walking up and down the roads, stopping to look at each home’s decorations. At one house, the neighbours are handing out warm mince pies to everyone. When they see Darcy’s family coming, the mum quickly runs inside and brings out a handful of carrots.
“We got you a special treat, Dave!”
He gobbles them up and says thank you. As they turn the next corner, they all stop and stare. The house in front of them is lit up so brightly, with lights in every colour, a big blow-up snowman and a family of sparkly deer pretending to eat the grass.
“Wow!” they all say.
“That has got to be this year’s winner,” says Darcy’s dad. The others nod and agree.
As they get to the final road, they spot a group of people standing by the café. Darcy and Sasha’s dads go to get everyone a hot drink, while the others stand and chat with the rest of the villagers.
A lady has a clipboard with a list of the families who are taking part in the competition. Everyone gets to vote for their favourite house and then the winner is announced.
As they’re all sipping their mulled wine and hot chocolate, the lady asks everyone to listen carefully as she makes the announcement.
“Thank you to everyone who took part in this year’s competition. You all did a wonderful job and we’ll enjoy seeing the lights over the next few weeks. This year’s winner is…” They all do a drum roll as they wait for the result. “… 2 Cherry Tree Drive with the family of deer!”
The crowd cheers and the winning family go up to collect their prize, thanking everyone for voting.
After a while, people start to wander home. Dave, Darcy and her parents say goodbye to Sasha’s family, then start walking back.
As they head up the lane towards home, Dave feels something cold on his nose. He looks up and shouts, “it’s snowing!”
“Yay,” Darcy cheers. “Do you think there will be lots of snow for us to play in tomorrow?”
“You’ll have to wait and see, won’t you?” her mum replies.
They get to Dave’s field, tuck him into his shelter with a big pile of hay and say goodnight.
When Darcy gets into bed, she wishes for lots of snow so they can make snowmen and snowhorses tomorrow.
If you liked this story, you’ll love the Dave and Darcy picture book series, which you can purchase here.