We humans love a good ice cream or ice lolly when the weather heats up, so why shouldn’t our four-legged friends get a nice cool treat on a summer’s day?

I’ve seen a few people share their ideas over the years, so I thought I would have a go at creating my own horse ice lollies for Dave and Gaelen.
As many of you will know, Dave’s favourite treat is a banana, so I had to incorporate that into his frozen treat! I decided to make a frozen banana smoothie and cool mint and carrot lollies. Here’s what I did…
Frozen banana smoothie
1. Cut two bananas into a food blender (I use a Nutribullet) and top up with water to the maximum level. Blend until the mixture is completely smooth.
2. Pour the mixture into a measuring jug and top up with cold water.
3. Pour the smoothie into plastic containers in equal parts.
4. Top up the containers with more water until they are nearly full – leave some room at the top, as the mixture will expand when frozen.
5. Pop in the freezer for 24 hours.
6. Serve your frozen treat in a feed bowl and watch your horse have fun with their frozen lick!

Cool mint and carrot lollies
My mum grows mint in her garden so I had access to a large bunch, but you can get it from a green grocer or fruit and veg market if you don’t grow your own.
1. Wash your mint and two large carrots, and boil the kettle.
2. Take a few leaves off the mint and cut into smaller pieces to scatter in the mixture later.
3. Pour boiling water over the remaining mint – this will help to draw the flavour out better than cold water. Leave for 5-10 minutes.
4. Pour the mint infused water into a measuring jug and top up with cold water.
5. Pour the liquid into plastic containers in equal parts.
6. Top up the containers with more water until they are about two thirds full.
7. Drop in your pieces of carrot and the mint you kept aside earlier.
8. Cut the soaked mint (with the stalks) into smaller pieces and distribute equally into the containers.
9. Make sure all of the mint is ‘under water’, pop on the lids and put in the freezer for 24 hours.
10. Serve your frozen treat in a feed bowl and watch your horse have fun with their frozen lick!
Both of these frozen licks were so easy to make, and you can mix and match with your horse’s favourite treats. Why not try apples or blend some watermelon before freezing?
If you’re making these with children, ensure there is an adult around to help with cutting the fruit and vegetables and pouring the hot water.
I would advise staying with your horse while they enjoy their licks, especially if there are solid pieces of fruit or vegetables inside. Why not sit in the field with them and have your own human ice lolly? What better way to pass the time on a hot summer’s day!